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Miscellaneous Updates from the Mind of the ArtistSo it's another one page update. Sorry about that... unfortunately, it's the usual pre-convention cram time, so for next week too, it will be a single-page update, I'm afraid. But a single page is better than no page, right? I should be able to polish off this chapter right after the convention, which will be about another two updates... So. That said, the script for the next chapter's still in progress, meaning I can't quite go straight into the next chapter. If you would like to do a guest comic for me, I would be extremely grateful. About four weeks of guest stuff would probably get us far enough to get the script polished off and prepared. If you'd like to do something, feel free to @messsage me on Twitter, post a reply or wall comment on Facebook (and feel free to join the group as well), or just email me (preferably with the subject line "GUEST COMIC"). And now it's time for me to continue my preparations for the con... so much to do, only a week to go...
Okay... knock on wood, this is the only other single-page update for this chapter. Sometimes, I just don't quite feel it on a page for some reason. (I do like this page, for the most part, other than one thing that's fixable later, I just didn't feel like inking and I don't know why.) Sometimes, I overextend myself. And sometimes, for some reason, I do both. Whoops. Anime Detour is fast approaching, with me still needing to finish off my panels, so while I will be doing my best to get the two-page update for next week ready, I apologize in advance if it's a bit late again. Put too much on my plate, as usual...
Alas, only one page today... I'm running up on the under-one-month point for my next convention, and with having four panels to prepare (okay, really only doing prep on three... and yes, one of those three really is the Apples to Apples panel, with a good chance of customized cards), sadly my time has been consumed. Add that to my not being completely happy with the pencils on the next page (though I may roll with them anyway), and I found myself making a decision. Hold the updates for a week, or just give you one page? Well... I like you guys, so I figured I'd give you at least something, even if it's a half-sized update. My week ahead will hopefully see more pencils and inks done in between my preparations and regular daily tasks. At least so far I've only got the one con for panels. We'll see what the possible summer one brings me, though...
A bit late this time... I think I burned out a bit on the last set of pages, honestly. Especially on doing Red-style backgrounds. Yeah, I do them digitally (less time with the ruler = good in my book), but that's not exactly a shortcut, they're still a lot of work. So the backgrounds on page 22, I'll fix them later in the interest of actually having something for you to read this week. :) Still gotta catch up on inking, too, and aggravatingly realized after I bought the replacement nib to fix my busted pen... that I already had one. And I knew exactly where it was. I'd just forgotten entirely they come in packs of two. Not my week last week, I guess. Let's see if this next one goes better!
In other news, I've got my panel times confirmed for Anime Detour. So, here they are! I do also have one additional panel I'll be "managing" (not really running), the ABJD Gathering, 8:30 PM in Programming 9. Yes, the creepy dolls.
Early update this time, I actually (surprisingly) finished this a few days ago... a step in the right direction? One can always hope, anyway. Next week's is about half-done, too, might get finished in the morning, even. I'm really shocked this one got done in time, though, considering I spent about a week on part of it. There's still a little I may do before printing those pages, but I think the work put in was worth it. I hope you like it.
Well, a Friday update is a Friday update... I never said what time I update, just that it's Fridays. This one's sooner than the last, at least. And on top of that, the next set is coming along a bit faster than I'd initially expected (knock on wood), so as long as I can get some inks ahead of myself, things should be fine through the end of the chapter. For after that, I've got someone scripting up a short "omake" interlude to give me a little time to plot out the next chapter. Simple, silly, and easy to draw are her key points on it, so it takes me very little time to crank out and get back to the main work. I'm trying to slip a bit ahead on designs, but scripting is still in progress. And lastly, an update to the convention tour. I will personally be present at Anime Detour in Minneapolis, MN (April 23-35) and Anime Central in Chicago, IL (May 14-16). My books will be available for sale at MCBA SpringCon in St Paul, MN (May 15-16), courtesy of the outstanding Chibi Toaster Studio, who will be there in person. And I might be present for all or part of No Brand Con in Eau Claire, WI (April 30-May 2). We'll see how masochistic I feel at that point. God help me, I must be insane.
A little slow today as I keep trying to get ahead of the game and not quite managing it... Yaugh. At least today I can confirm that I will be present at Anime Detour in Minnesota, and AnimeCentral in Chicago. My books (but not me) will be present at SpringCon, also in Minnesota. Not much to say tonight... going to get back to trying to pull ahead on these pages.
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